I’m Smita and I have been an energy healer, life coach and therapist since 2012. Together with my team of light beings and galactic guides, we are essentially here to help fast-track lightworkers, starseeds and those on the ascension journey to live their true light and purpose. Being a lightworker myself, I understand only too well how we can be held back from being who we came here to be and doing what we were born to do, even if we don’t quite know what it is yet. I spent many years gaining qualifications and trying different career paths such as Corporate Marketing, Studio Manager & Fitness Instructor, Coach Mentor for The Gabriel Method weight loss program, holistic life coach, therapist & energy healer plus many more. Although I enjoyed experiencing different roles and industries, nothing felt like it was really right for me. Wanting to heal the physical, mental and emotional issues I was experiencing led me into alternative therapies as these were far more effective than the traditional routes I had tried.
Cellular Release Therapy and other therapies I trained in helped me to clear the ’emotional baggage’ and the root causes of them, some not even from this lifetime, leaving me feeling lighter and more my true self, rather than reacting from the trauma and difficult experiences I had been through. I learnt to manage being a hyper-sensitive empath and broke free from being controlled and suppressed. As I continued making progress with energy healing and clearing the belief systems, conditioning and past life issues that kept me trapped, I found myself changing on an energetic level, allowing more light in to my system, opening up to self-love and thus ascending and awakening to the gifts my soul had to offer. At the start of 2022 the light language started developing and as I practiced healing with it, the results just blew me and my clients away, we had never experienced anything so quick, powerful and getting to where it needs to with laser like focus. I just knew this was my purpose because it felt so natural and right to the very core, and I’m deeply grateful to be of service with this unique offering.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help you live your true light and purpose. So what does that mean? Your true light is your pure essence, your authentic sovereign self, the real you without the trauma, difficult experiences, dysfunctional beliefs and conditioning, fear, self-doubt, lack of confidence or self-belief. We heal by helping you transcend any limitations, clear blocks and release any energies keeping you stuck, stagnant, frozen or in a state of resistance or self-sabotage. Clearing all these aspects can create flow and a positive spiral in your life to get your life moving forwards in way that serves and fulfills you. Bringing more light in to your body and energy system will enable you to own your true magnificence, and live your true path and purpose, rather than what you or others think you should be or do . We can activate soul gifts and abilities, connect you to light or star beings wanting to work with you, and upgrade your lightbody to assist your own enlightenment and ascension journey.
Healing, enthusing and empowering others through my creative approach is my passion and strength. I take pride in helping people, like you, to achieve their highest potential. We use the light language, future visioning techniques, and other clearing therapies if required, combined with bespoke coaching to unleash your true self and create your best possible future – the life you were born to lead.

Are you?
• Keeping yourself in the same mundane job that you know isn’t right for you and you have no interest in anymore? Are you scared of leaving because of financial reasons or pressure from others to keep that role?
• Do you know in your heart that you should be doing something different and a niggling feeling keeps making you aware of this? Do you keep ignoring it?
• Do you keep distracting yourself with things that are unfulfilling?
• Are you lost, stuck or confused about what you should be doing?
• Do you have so many ideas you don’t know what to focus on?
• Are you struggling with self-doubt and fear, or lacking in confidence and self-belief?
• Do you feel held back by negativity, heavy emotions, or other physical, mental or emotional issues?