How I can support you

Helping lightworkers, starseeds and people on their ascension journey in living their true light and purpose to...


Release blocks that are holding you back, whether it's trauma, limiting beliefs, conditioning, fears, past life or karmic issues, cords, agreements or anything else that keeps you stuck.

Be in flow, moving forwards in alignment with your true path and purpose.

Liberate your true self, owning your true divine light and sovereignty.

Upgrade & Activate

Upgrading your energy to hold more light to assist you on your ascension and awakening journey.

Level up on your existing talents and abilities.

Activate any dormant soul gifts and abilities that are there for the taking.

Have us help you raise your vibration and tune in to the light beings that may be waiting to connect with you.

Vision & Align

Maximise your potential by connecting to your best future and align to this energy.

Discover your niche and how you can stand out from the crowd.

Reveal your big life-changing genius idea and how to make it happen.

Find your mentors, support system, collaborators and followers.


Thank you for visiting, I offer light language healing, activations and upgrades, plus coaching and other therapies to help you grow, evolve and transform to what your soul has chosen for you.  Please watch this video to find out more about me and how I can assist you.






Your Vibration

Take The Next Step

I offer a complimentary discovery call for all new clients to find out what you need help with and if we would be a good fit for each other. I will recommend a plan to move forwards using the light language or other therapies I provide, and we can then get you booked in for your first session, or create a bespoke package.

Heres what my clients have to say

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Contact Me

Let's chat about how I can support you on your healing and ascension journey.

Find us at the office

Strada Povernei, nr 20, Bucharest, Romania

Give us a ring

John Doe +40 712 345 678 Mon – Fri, 8:00-22:00

Contact Me